
Transpilers, also known as source-to-source compilers, have become an essential tool in modern software development. They allow developers to write code in one language and transform it into another language with a similar level of abstraction. This process enables compatibility, optimization, and ease of migration between programming environments. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at how a transpiler works step by step.


Step 1: Source Code Input

The process begins with the source code written in the original programming language. This code follows the syntax and semantics of the given language and serves as the input for the transpiler. For example, a developer may write code in TypeScript that needs to be converted into JavaScript.

					function greet(name: string): string {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;

This TypeScript function takes a string input and returns a formatted greeting message.


Step 2: Lexical Analysis (Tokenization)

The first major step inside the transpiler is lexical analysis, also known as tokenization. During this process, the transpiler scans the source code and breaks it down into a series of tokens. Tokens are the smallest meaningful units of the language, such as keywords, identifiers, literals, and operators.

For the above TypeScript example, tokenization might produce the following tokens:

					[FUNCTION] [IDENTIFIER: greet] [(] [IDENTIFIER: name] [:] [STRING] [)] [:] [STRING] [{]
    [RETURN] [TEMPLATE STRING: `Hello, ${name}!`] [;]

These tokens are then passed to the next stage for further processing.


Step 3: Parsing (Syntax Analysis)

Once tokenization is complete, the transpiler performs parsing, which involves analyzing the structure of the code according to the grammar rules of the source language. The output of parsing is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), which represents the hierarchical structure of the code.

For our example, the AST may look like this:

  ├── Identifier: greet
  ├── Parameters:
  │    ├── Identifier: name (Type: string)
  ├── ReturnType: string
  ├── Body:
      ├── ReturnStatement
          ├── TemplateLiteral: "Hello, ${name}!"

The AST serves as an intermediary representation of the source code, allowing further transformations before generating the final output.


Step 4: Semantic Analysis and Transformation

After parsing, the transpiler conducts semantic analysis to ensure that the code follows the logical rules of the source language. It checks for type correctness, variable scope, function definitions, and other constraints.

If the transpiler identifies any semantic errors, it produces warnings or errors before proceeding further. Once the semantic analysis is successful, transformations are applied to prepare the code for the target language.


Step 5: Code Generation

In this phase, the transformed AST is converted into the target language. The transpiler applies predefined rules to map constructs from the source language to equivalent constructs in the target language.

For our TypeScript example, the transpiler generates JavaScript code:

					function greet(name) {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;

The TypeScript-specific type annotations are removed, producing valid JavaScript that maintains the same functionality.


Step 6: Code Optimization (Optional)

Some transpilers perform optimization to improve the efficiency of the generated code. Optimizations may include:

  • Removing unused variables and functions

  • Simplifying expressions

  • Minifying the code for better performance

For example, an optimized version of the JavaScript output might look like this:

					const greet = name => `Hello, ${name}!`;

Step 7: Output and Execution

The final step is outputting the generated code to the target environment. In the case of TypeScript, the transpiled JavaScript file can be executed directly in a browser or Node.js environment.

Developers can now use the generated code without worrying about the original source language, enabling cross-platform compatibility and streamlined development workflows.


Transpilers play a vital role in modern software development by enabling code portability and backward compatibility. The process of transpiling involves several key steps: lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, transformation, code generation, and optional optimization. By understanding these steps, developers can make better use of transpilers and optimize their development processes effectively.

Whether you’re working with TypeScript, Babel (for ES6 to ES5 JavaScript), or other transpilation tools, knowing how they function under the hood will help you leverage their full potential.

Paul Strobl

A web developer and Student at BHAK/BHAS Kitzbühel