
Basic Input/Output

The provided mappings define how specific LUC keywords are transpiled into C# equivalents, along with their necessary parameters and dependencies. These mappings ensure that LUC commands integrate seamlessly with C#, making the language intuitive while maintaining robust functionality.

„print“: Maps to Console.WriteLine, allowing output to the console. It requires a parameter for the message to display and includes using System for access to the .NET framework. For Example:

					print("Hello, World!");

„read“: Maps to Console.ReadLine, enabling input from the console. It also requires a parameter and includes using System.

					userInput := read();
    print("You entered: " + userInput);

„read_next_input“: Maps to Console.ReadKey, which waits for and retrieves the next key press from the user. This also depends on using System.

					print("Press any key to continue...");

String Methods

The mappings define how LUC keywords correspond to C# methods for string and object operations, making LUC intuitive and aligned with C#’s robust functionality. Here are some examples:

„len“: Maps to Count, used to determine the number of elements in an object.

					numbers := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

„upper“: Maps to ToUpper, converting text to uppercase.

					text := "hello";

„begins_with“: Maps to StartsWith, verifying if a string starts with specific characters.

					word := "Lucid";
    print(begins_with(word, "Lu"));

„join“: Maps to string.Join, combining elements into a single string (requires using System).

					words := ["Hello", "World"];
    print(join(" ", words));

Math Methods

This list highlights how LUC keywords are mapped to C# Math methods, enabling precise mathematical computations while simplifying syntax. Here’s an overview:

„absolut_value“: Maps to Math.Abs, calculating the absolute value of a number.


„max“: Maps to Math.Max, finding the larger of two values.

					 print(max(10, 20));

„exponential“: Maps to Math.Exp, calculating the exponential value (e^x) of a number.


„atan“: Maps to Math.Atan, calculating the arctangent of a value, returning the angle in radians.


List/Collection Methods

This list demonstrates how LUC keywords correspond to C# list operations via methods from System.Collections.Generic. It simplifies working with lists while leveraging C#’s robust functionality. Here’s an overview:

„add_to_list“: Maps to Add, appending an item to the list.

					myList := [1, 2, 3];
    add_to_list(myList, 4);

„remove_from_list“: Maps to Remove, deleting the first occurrence of a specified item from the list.

					remove_from_list(myList, 2);

„sort“: Maps to Sort, sorting the list in ascending order.

					myNumbers := [3, 1, 2];

„find“: Maps to Find, locating the first item that matches a specified condition.

					print(find(myList, x -> x == 3));

LINQ Methods

This list highlights LUC keywords mapped to C# LINQ methods, enabling concise and expressive queries on collections. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) provides powerful data manipulation capabilities. Here’s an overview:

„select“: Maps to Select, transforming elements in a collection.

					squared := select(myList, x -> x * x);

„where“: Maps to Where, filtering elements based on a condition.

					filtered := where(myList, x -> x > 2);

„count“: Maps to Count, counting elements in a collection.


„max_of_list“: Maps to Max, retrieving the maximum value from a collection.


File and Directory Methods

This list demonstrates LUC keywords mapped to C# file and directory handling methods, offering streamlined interaction with the file system via System.IO. Here’s a quick guide:

„read_file“: Maps to File.ReadAllText, reading the entire content of a file.

					content := read_file("example.txt");

„write_file“: Maps to File.WriteAllText, writing content to a file (overwrites if exists).

					write_file("example.txt", "Hello LUC!");

„create_directory“: Maps to Directory.CreateDirectory, creating a new directory.


„list_directories“: Maps to Directory.GetDirectories, retrieving a list of subdirectories within a directory.

					dirs := list_directories(".");

Dictionary Methods

This list of LUC keywords corresponds to C# dictionary operations using System.Collections.Generic, providing intuitive commands for managing key-value pairs in dictionaries. Here’s a breakdown:

„add_to_dictionary“: Maps to Add, which adds a new key-value pair to the dictionary

					dict := {};
    add_to_dictionary(dict, "name", "Paul");

„remove_from_dictionary“: Maps to Remove, which removes a key-value pair by its key.

					remove_from_dictionary(dict, "name");

„dictionary_contains_value“: Maps to ContainsValue, checking if a specific value exists in the dictionary.

					add_to_dictionary(dict, "age", 19);
    print(dictionary_contains_value(dict, 19));

„get_dictionary_values“: Maps to Values, retrieving a collection of all values in the dictionary.

					values := get_dictionary_values(dict);

Date and Time Methods

This set of LUC keywords corresponds to date and time operations in C#, leveraging the DateTime structure and other related methods. Here’s a detailed overview:

„now“: Maps to DateTime.Now, retrieving the current local date and time.


„add_hours_to_date“: Maps to AddHours, enabling you to add a specific number of hours to a date object.

					 future := add_hours_to_date(now(), 5);

„try_parse_date“: Maps to DateTime.TryParse, attempting to parse a string into a DateTime object without throwing an exception.

					date := try_parse_date("2025-02-04");

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