Calculator Application with LUC

The following code defines a simple calculator function, simple_calc, which performs basic arithmetic operations based on a given operator. The function supports addition and subtraction, returning the result of the operation or 0 if an invalid operator is provided.

					function int simple_calc(string sign, int first, int second){
    if sign == "+" {
        r first + second;
    else if(sign == "-") {
        int result = first - second;
        r result;
    else {
        return 0;

function Main(){
    resPlus := simple_calc("+", 10, 20);
    resPlusString := to_string(resPlus);

    resMinus := simple_calc("-", 5, 2);
    string resMinus = to_string(resMinus);

The simple_calc function takes three parameters: an operator (sign) as a string and two integers (first and second). It checks the operator and performs the corresponding calculation. If the operator is "+", it returns the sum of the two numbers. If it is "-", it calculates the difference and returns the result. Any other operator results in returning 0.

The Main function demonstrates the usage of simple_calc by performing an addition and a subtraction. The results are converted to strings and printed. Finally, the program prints "Done" to indicate completion.


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